Biodynamic farming and the soil

Biodynamic agriculture was introduced in the 1920's when the problem of diminishing fertility and vitality of crops and livestock was first recognised by sustainable minded farmers. This was a result of the introduction of new chemical methods of farming at that time.

It is based on a series of lectures given by Rudolf Steiner and includes the principle that the farm is seen as a self-contained organism, with care for the health and vitality of soil, crops, livestock and farmer. This approach is the foundation for organic farming. Biodynamics includes the use of lunar and planetary rhythms along with biodynamic compost and spray preparations.

It is against the law to sell anything as Organic unless it is certified and has a producer number. We are certified by the Biodynamic Association (Demeter). This means that the customer has a guarantee for the food they are buying from us.

Up to date certificate - attached

Laying Hens

Hens spend their days out on pasture

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